




2022年10月,在肯尼亚维多利亚湖附近Seka Kagwa村的一所学校举行了新设立的基督教女青团的交接仪式。

雅马哈清洁供水系统(YCW) (//www.dhbhotel.com/business/cw/)是一种紧凑的水净化系统,使用慢砂过滤,一种天然的水净化方法。对于发展中国家无法获得饮用水的小定居点或村庄来说,这是一个有效的系统。运营YCW设施不需要大量的电力,不需要专家的维护,也不需要特殊的化学药剂,居民可以独立维护。


 Access to clean water is a serious issue and part of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals with SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. To date, it is estimated that 26% of the world's population--approximately 2 billion people--do not have access to safely managed drinking water services (UNICEF/2020). Yamaha Motor is actively working to introduce the YCW system through cooperation with international organizations, NGOs, Japanese embassies, and other organizations in each target country. At present, 45 units are in operation in Africa and Asia, and the potable water they provide is contributing to the reduction of diseases, freeing women and children from hard work of drawing water, and giving birth to new sources of cash income for residents through water-related businesses, such as delivery services.
 OKABE, Norihiko of Yamaha Motor's Overseas Market Development Operation (OMDO) Business Unit is in charge of introducing YCWs to new locations. "Life really does change when the water changes," he explains. "We've seen this happen in every location and I want to keep growing the number of settlements equipped with YCWs into the future."



 "When water couldn't be pumped because of an unknown problem with the intake pump, I took the 40 kg pump back to the hotel and struggled for days in the bathtub trying to find the culprit," shares Okabe. "We'd face unforeseen issues one after another, like if the plumbing got clogged, we'd head into the river with the locals to inspect it, or when working at high elevations in Ethiopia, we'd be battling altitude sickness together, and so on."
 All the memories that come to his mind are of dealing with problems, but his face speaks of the incredible fulfillment he gets from his job. "It's because I've seen the big smiles of the villagers the first time clean water comes out of the faucet after all the struggles and hard work." And as they begin to rejoice, sing, and dance, Okabe maintains that it is a scene overflowing with Kando.*
 Today, the storage tanks and other parts for YCW units are manufactured in Indonesia and exported to their destined countries. "But I feel to bring clean water to more people and communities, we need to set up a means for local production," admits Okabe. In short, the local production of YCW systems is where he now has his focus trained on, i.e., the next big challenge for the project.



视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZsKtDrGMkg新窗口



